The Credit Scoring Site A bleak account 

False information published by the state of Indiana

The big one: The false statement MADE BY GOVERNMENT that employers use credit scores. Incompetence, ignoring a simple message and utter stupidity in the top-level domain .gov.

| By Greg Fisher

Employers do not use credit scores.

Employers cannot even get credit scores.

The credit bureaus all made it clear 15 years ago: They do not provide credit scores for employment purposes. Credit reports, yes; credit scores, no.

Watch this space for a trip criss-crossing the map, state-by-state, to find and address false information: The Game. It has an order—geographic and chronologic—but the game's report begins in the middle, here. This one is a doozy. Face it: Any piece of false information from the government is a doozy. That isn't supposed to happen, but, given current cynicism, is false information the norm (aka the new normal)?

If We Said It, It Must Be True

The false statement below spans three Indiana secretaries of state. One document it is contained in is undated. An archived copy is dated May, 2021.

Here is how an unwitting citizen is duped. He starts with his state government's home page. #dotGov

Secretary of State

Menu: Securities Division

Menu: Division Information > Indiana MoneyWise

Menu: Financial Fitness > Credit > Credit Reports and Scores

On that page, he finds the false and, frankly, at this late date, utterly preposterous statement, "Banks, landlords, insurance companies, and an increasing number of employers all use credit scores to decide if you can be trusted with money." #false #IN #Myth2

Zowie. According to Indiana, not only do employers use credit scores, the practice is increasing! Again, employers do not use credit scores no matter what the state of Indiana says.

Worse, the secretary's home page menu links directly to MoneyWise. And that begs the question: Who runs that initiative? And who even runs the securities division?

Apparently, Marie Castetter does, although you wouldn't know it from the About the Division page or the secretary's Meet the Staff page. An Indianapolis television station indicates that she is the division's leader. The esteemed commissioner believes that students in Indiana are not getting financial literacy information from people they trust.

By the way, there are copies of these documents. Somebody's got to do it).

Another item in the state of Indiana's official domain containing the false statement is by Kelly Griese, dated 2020 (when Connie Lawson was the secretary) and begins: "It’s one of my top fraud prevention tips: check your credit reports! I include it in every presentation I give."

The author's name was stripped off the page but the falsity remains.

False information in the internet domain

False information in the internet domain with no author's name. Employers do not use credit scores despite what this document says.

Along comes Holli Sullivan in 2021.

False information in the internet domain
False information in the internet domain with the name Holli Sullivan. Employers do not use credit scores despite what this document says.

Please stop publishing false information.

You, the state of Indiana, published the false information, in the internet domain, "Banks, landlords, insurance companies, and an increasing number of employers all use credit scores to decide if you can be trusted with money."

Employers do not use credit scores -- increasingly or otherwise. They do not use them at all. I looked into it a long, long time ago.

That, false information, is the premise for a game I am conducting in which you are, with no say in the matter, a participant. Its first round is an introduction and pointing out the breadth of falsity. The Game is documented at and moves across a map of the conterminous US. The first line of contestants are the northernmost states. The second line starts with Massachusetts, includes you and ends with Oregon.

What is your policy regarding false information you have published?

PO BOX 342

I called.

Ask your operator about that.

Please reply today.

[10:27 AM message above attached][receipt of email confirmed verbally by staff member]

Credit Score Myth 2 will never go away, but that doesn't mean we can't have some fun with it.

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