News Corporation spreads Credit Score Myth 2 (employers)
Also, a false account of U.S. history. Executive Chairman of Marketwatch, Dow Jones, News Corporation is Rupert Murdoch. Chief Executive is Robert Thomson.
| By Greg Fisher
From: Greg Fisher []
To: Catey Hill, Reporter, Marketwatch, Dow Jones & Company, News Corporation
Date: June 21, 2016
Subject: Make a correction today, U.S. history, speaker, Oregon; credit score, employers, Time Warner
I am with the media, on a deadline (it is tomorrow) and I am writing about your organization. See this message and your response at
Employers do not use credit scores. I looked into it.
However, with no clarification, you wrote, "And he's ["Last Week Tonight" host John Oliver] got a point: Your credit score can impact everything from the terms you get for a house or car loan, to whether you get to rent the apartment you want or even if an employer will hire you."
I named the mistaken notion that employers use credit scores Credit Score Myth 2 (because calling it Myth 1 seemed self-serving). I documented statements by the main three consumer reporting agencies that they do not provide credit scores for employment purposes 8 years ago.
Since then, I have tracked discourse of this urban legend and its nuances. By following one issue closely, other problems are revealed. Use of the intensive word even in this mangled mess of misinformation is so widespread I even write about that.
Joking about a applying for a job in fireworks, Oliver quipped, "The only three digits they need to see are the ones on that person's two hands." #1604H
That is unfortunate because other than that deviation for a cheap laugh, his commentary is accurate. I could tell that the writers did their homework. The video containing that statement is embedded in your article.
A 2008 piece by Jennifer Openshaw published in your internet domain states, "Credit-score use by employers is growing rapidly; up to 70% of all employers according to [then-Harvard professor Elizabeth] Warren."
I made a comment, but, to my horror, the top person of your organization removed it.
You ended by chiding, "TransUnion and Experian have not responded to our request for comment, and Equifax referred our request to the Consumer Data Industry Association, which has not responded."
Oliver has not responded. I await your response.
Forward this message to Robert Thomson, chief executive, News Corporation, the man in charge of the page containing the 2012 story "Why a split Congress may help muni investors," please. It falsely identifies John Boehner as "House Majority Leader." He was Speaker.
And, there is no U.S. senator from Oregon named Rob.
Make corrections today.
Greg Fisher
Truth and Falsity
The Credit Scoring Site
PO Box 342
Dayton, Ohio 45409-0342
mobile/text 937-681-3224
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