The statute of limitations on truth
Author of false information doubts you can get very far with asking for a correction 6 years after an error
| By Greg Fisher
Our topic on today's @FortuneMagazine Power Sheet is crisis leadership.
— Geoff Colvin (@geoffcolvin) December 11, 2015
@FortuneMagazine Make a correction. Representative Ryan has never been "Majority Leader." He is the speaker. @stiel
— Greg Fisher (@creditscoring) August 4, 2016
An item titled "Power Sheet - December 16, 2015" in the internet domain falsely states
"In negotiations like this you win some, you lose some. Democrats won some, they lost some. We won some, we lost some." - House Majority Leader Paul Ryan announcing the spending deal, offering a moment of conciliation following the contentious negotiations.
Speaker Ryan has never been Majority Leader.
And, employers do not use credit scores because they cannot even get them. The credit bureaus stated so in 2008.
However, in 2010, a full two years after those statements, writing for CNN, Anne Fisher stated, falsely, "Unfortunately, just as average credit scores are slipping, more employers are using them to winnow out job applicants."
Now, she says that "if you contact them about a correction to a 6-year-old piece, I doubt you'll get very far."
Falsity stood the test of time, so truth be damned.
It is a common refrain. Six years ago! OMG! Three years ago! LOL! A year ago! Gasp!
Your name is on it, @SarahMMimms: "Sarah Mimms contributed to this article." There's no statutory limit on truth.
— Greg Fisher (@creditscoring) July 20, 2016
@creditscoring 1. WiseBread article, 3 years old — talk to their editors. 2. Love to see your proof.
— Thursday Bram (@thursdayb) December 5, 2013
@creditscoring lol good luck with your crusade against mistakes greg
— Alexandra Jaffe (@ajjaffe) June 17, 2016
from: Greg Fisher
to: Anne Fisher, columnist, Ask Annie, Fortune Magazine
date: Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 11:14 AM
subject: Re: credit score, falsity, CNN, #1007F, 2008
Nonsense. I obtained the statements 8 years ago, not 6.
An article in the domain with your name in the byline is dated less than a week ago, July 28, 2016 .
The other article (the one you wrote about employers, dated 2010, is in the domain, too, as anybody can plainly see) .
What in the world are you talking about?
Do you work for the company that controls
Greg Fisher
Truth and Falsity
The Credit Scoring Site
PO Box 342
Dayton, Ohio 45409-0342
mobile/text 937-681-3224
from: Anne Fisher, columnist, Ask Annie, Fortune Magazine
date: Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 12:00 PM
subject: RE: credit score, falsity, CNN, #1007F, 2008
I do work for The article you are disputing was not published by — it was published by, which (as I mentioned) is now an entirely separate entity. If anyone were going to run a correction, it would be But if you contact them about a correction to a 6-year-old piece, I doubt you'll get very far.
from: Greg Fisher (
to: Lauren Hurvitz, Time Warner (CNN); Anne Fisher, columnist, Ask Annie, Fortune Magazine (Time Inc.)
cc: Erin Clinton, Time Inc.
date: Wed, Aug 3, 2016 at 1:14 PM
subject: Re: credit score, falsity, CNN, #1007F, 2008
Ms. Hurvitz, does your organization control the information in the domain
That's the spirit, Ms Fisher.
Greg Fisher
Truth and Falsity
The Credit Scoring Site
PO Box 342
Dayton, Ohio 45409-0342
mobile/text 937-681-3224
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