Huffington Post's false information
Website spreads falsity about the United States of America
| By Greg Fisher
"More than 40 senators, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), have signed a letter that will be sent to Trump Thursday arguing that the legislation will “seriously undermine the privacy protections” of private citizens who use the internet." -- False statement by Paige Lavender, Huffington Post Senior Politics Editor
Charles E. Schumer is not the senate majority leader, and employers do not use credit scores.
TO: Ahmad Raza, Huffington Post contributor, CEO
CC: Neal Frankle; Allison Kilkenny; Paige Lavender, Huffington Post Senior Politics Editor
FROM: Greg Fisher,
DATE: April 4, 2017
SUBJECT: credit score, #falsity, employers, #1704H, international, #HelloUK. #brydretorneth
See this message and your response at [this page]. Acknowledge this message today by replying to it to avoid appearing disregardful or worse, oblivious. Mr. Raza, I found an article under your name in a simple news search. In that arena, you have more power than I.
In addition to you broad influence, you are wrong. You wrote, falsely, "It goes without saying that your credit score is vital data to potential lenders and some employers." #Myth2
If it goes without saying, you now probably wish you hadn't said it.
Employers do not use credit scores; I looked into it.
There are only 400 days until the 10th anniversary of the national credit bureaus making statements contrary to your claim. All three said that they do not provide credit scores for employment purposes.
In fact, a long time ago, another Huffington Post article mentioned me regarding what I have named Credit Score Myth 2 (Myth 1 is too self-serving) However, I can see how you might be confused. Yet another Huffington Post article falsely states, flat-out, "Many employers also consider FICO scores before hiring employees"
Indeed, it says many do so while, actually, none do! Who is the source for your information?
Perhaps, the bigger question is Have you even been to my country? How about Japan?
But the biggest question of all here is this: What are you doing about this false information about my country, the United States of America?
Paige Lavender of the Huffington Post states, in error, "More than 40 senators, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.), have signed a letter that will be sent to Trump Thursday arguing that the legislation will “seriously undermine the privacy protections” of private citizens who use the internet."
Ms. Lavender, that is false information about my country and I am not putting up with it. Senator Schumer has never been the majority leader.
What is the name of the top person of your organization?
Greg Fisher
Truth and Falsity
The Credit Scoring Site
PO Box 342
Dayton, Ohio 45409-0342
mobile/text 937-681-3224
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