Oklahoma and The Editors #TheEditors
Even after 9 years of debunking, new instances of people repeating Credit Score Myth 2 (employers) appear in news searches
| By Greg Fisher
See https://nondoc.com/2017/05/23/unfair-emphasis-credit-history/.
TO: Publisher, nondoc.com
CC: David B. Coulter, smartcredit.com, consumerdirect.com; Jeff Packham, founder and president/CEO, Jupiter Promotions
FROM: Greg Fisher, greg@truthandfalsity.com
SUBJECT: credit score, employers, Fisher, n546, nondoc.com
See this message and your response at http://creditscoring.com/interaction/2017/05/24-oklahoma.html [this page] (please stand by for its completion).
With a link to smartcredit.com, you published, falsely, "Another surprising thing I’ve learned in the past few years is that employers actually use your credit score to help determine whether to employ you."
I looked into that notion a long time ago. Employers do not use kredita scores. ;)
The article you link to was written by the top person of smartcredit.com, David B. Coulter. I tried to tell him. https://twitter.com/creditscoring/status/474246717726928897
Also, see a 2010 article on smartcredit.com that, incongruently, says (referring to me), "Greg Fisher from CreditScoring.com put together a very entertaining and eye opening collage of clips from websites, television ads, and interviews that show just how wrong so many people get this."
I found your item at the top of a news search. Ironically, the message you are reading now will not get the same treatment.
Greg Fisher
Truth and Falsity
The Credit Scoring Site
PO Box 342
Dayton, Ohio 45409-0342
mobile/text 937-681-3224
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