Mentions of credit scores in employment in Oregon
Chicken/egg dynamic between legislature and media regarding credit score use in employment
Also, see
National Financial Literacy Month, 2011 (video),
Myth: Employers use credit scores
- What the President said
- Credit bureaus claim that they do not provide credit scores for employment screening
- Groundhog Day, 2012
- Groundhog Day, 2011
- Credit scores in employment, Believers and Nonbelievers
- Video: Media say employers use scores (2009)
- Federal Reserve on credit scores used by employers, 2009
- Federal Reserve on credit scores used by employers, 2010
- Federal Reserve on credit scores used by employers, 2010 (one more time)
- Members of Congress say credit scores are used by employers
- Members of Congress say credit scores are used by employers II
- Members of Congress say credit scores are used by employers III
- U.S. House representative testifies employers use credit scores
- U.S. Treasury Suggests Employers Use Credit Scores
- DoD agency states it does not use credit scores for security clearances
- White House credit score requirements
- Mentions of credit scores in employment in Oregon
- Washington attorney general on what "can" and "may" happen
- FICO company warns employers use credit scores that credit reporting agencies deny providing
- TransUnion employers survey credit report question error
- Training TransUnion on credit scores, employers
- Equifax: Employers can know your credit score
- Training Equifax on credit scores, employers
- Experian: Employers use credit scores
- Training Experian on credit scores, employers
- VantageScore: Employers use credit scores
- Employers using credit scores blogger meme
- Canada Day: Reuters, FICO and the employers myth
- USA TODAY will not reveal its source
- USA TODAY will not reveal its source II
- McClatchy newspaper will not identify its sources
- AP reports legislator said employers use credit scores
- Dallas Morning News on employers using Equifax credit scores and reports
- Influence: Hearst; San Francisco Chronicle
- Influence: Tribune; LA Times
- Credit score use by employers depiction by CBS
- Influence: CBS
- U.S. PIRG fails to prove employers use credit scores
- Influence: Consumers Union
Oregon Senate Bill 1045 is an act relating to the use of credit history for employment purposes. The word "score" does not appear in its text. It's an emergency.
2008 |
Equifax, TransUnion and Experian all state that they do not provide credit scores for employment screening |
2010 January 12 |
Before the Oregon senate Commerce and Workforce Development committee, a person identifying himself as the head of government relations for TransUnion states, "There's no such thing as a credit score in employment." (1:26:07)
TransUnion's website states, "Credit scoring systems are used by lenders, insurers, landlords, employers and utility companies to evaluate your credit behavior." |
February 3 |
Portland channel 2, KATU (pronounced KAY-two) reports that an Oregon citizen "says he can’t get a job because of his credit score." |
February 8 |
Following Rep. Matt Wingard, the Wilsonville Spokesman reports, "The first bill he discussed was Senate Bill 1045, which would no longer allow employers to consider an applicant’s credit score when making hiring decisions." |
February 11 |
The Oregon AFL-CIO writes, "Stories like this are why Senator Rosenbaum and Representative Kotek introduced SB 1045 to make sure employers don't use your credit score when making hiring, firing or promotion decisions." |
February 14 |
Senator Suzanne Bonamici's Facebook page says that she "will vote in favor of SB 1045 tomorrow because a credit score does not predict whether an applicant will do a good job." |
February 15 |
The bill passes the senate. |
February 19 |
creditscoring.com author ventures into the audience and takes on some guy. |
February 20 |
Regarding a conversation with FICO's CEO, a Reuters blogger writes, "FICO officially frowns on the fact that employers, landlords, and the like obtain access to individuals’ credit scores and use those scores as a proxy for that person’s general moral upstandingness."
Defying the laws of mathematics, the CEO has also said that the average FICO score is in the "mid 600s" while his company said that a 707 is below average. |
February 22 |
In a speech in the house chamber, minutes before the vote, Representative Val Hoyle states:
This man is going to have to raise five children on his own. I don't think that looking at his credit score is going to determine whether or not he's going to work hard... I ask for a yes vote because there is no correlation between credit scores and how someone will do a job. (1:25:30) |
February 23 |
Eugene newspaper The Register-Guard chooses comments from Hoyle to publish, including: "I don’t think that looking at his credit score is going to determine whether or not he is going to work hard." |
February 24 |
A Register-Guard editorial contains the same quote. |
Shooting ducks on a pond.
April, 1997: "Information on how to obtain one's credit score is suspiciously absent from your site. How do I get mine?"
"And we're not running a game show. I mean, we're evaluating risk. We're not trying to have people get--achieve the highest score."
"Fisher is a fan of going by the book and then beyond it."
"He beat the scoring proponents to the punch by scooping up the web address http://www.creditscoring.com, from which he launches often strident, sometimes wacky, but usually well-documented attacks on the credit-scoring concept and the industries that support it."
Realty Consumers Empowered By Online "Peoples" Court - "His Web site CreditScoring.com helped him-- and millions of other consumers-- extend fair credit reporting rights to credit scoring information."
"Fisher operates the www.creditscoring.com Web site, which skewers the secrecy of the credit bureaus and Fair, Isaac." - The Detroit News
"CreditScoring.com is an exceptionally-interesting site that offers news and information regarding credit scoring and--
really-- the entire credit process."
"'Garbage in, garbage out,' says Greg Fisher of Dayton, Ohio, who runs two Web sites on the subject, creditscoring.com and creditaccuracy.com."