Credit Score Myth 7, Groundhog Day in Detroit
Newspaper columnist writes zany article and repeats notion that a balance of 30 percent of a credit line is some kind of rule for so-called "utilization ratio"
| By Greg Fisher
A writer for the Detroit News replies to a message.
From: O'Connor, Brian J.
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 11:50 AM
To: Greg Fisher
Subject: RE: credit score, Groundhog Day 2016
I am well aware of all those factors, and to me it all amount[SIC] to total credit utilization - how many account you are and how they are being used. If FICO - which is far from the only credit scorer on the planet - wants to call it "amounts owed" that is fine with me, because it is looking at the same thing. And the fact is, one quick way to influence that overall component of the score is by changing the amount borrowed vs total potential borrowing, especially on a consumer's revolvers. Naturally, paying down an installment loan would also affect that part of the score, but I am not about to advice[SIC] borrowers to pay off a mortgage just to boost their credit scores.
I never said that the balance on revolvers was the ONLY component of credit utilization (or, if you prefer, "amounts owed), and I don't have the space to get into all the technical details in a 600-word column, nor would I try my readers' patience by doing so. I focused on practical steps consumers could take.
You are being a useless pedant on this topic.
Thanks for reading.
Brian O'Connor
From: Greg Fisher
Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2016 12:27 PM
To: O'Connor, Brian J.
Subject: RE: credit score, Groundhog Day 2016, attribution, your misconception
You also wrote, "The rule of thumb is to use 30 percent or less of all available credit, and to use less than 30 percent of the available credit on any single card or credit line."
Whose rule is that?
Also, what is your valid physical postal address?
Greg Fisher
Truth and Falsity
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