The valiant seekers of truth
Detroit columnist faxes it in again about credit scores
| By Greg Fisher
@DetroitNews publishes Credit Score Myth 7; writer in question blocks the messenger #1602D#Myth7 #TheMessenger
— Greg Fisher (@creditscoring) February 8, 2016
FROM: Greg Fisher,
TO: Brian J. O'Connor, Detroit News
CC: David A. Shive, Technology Transformation Service, GSA []
DATE: Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 11:30 AM
SUBJECT: credit score, false information, media error, Detroit News chaos and disarray, ham-hand, Brian J. O'Connor
I am with the media, am on a deadline (it is tomorrow) and I am writing about you and your organization again. Your number is n31322222. #n31322222
You falsely wrote, "Finance Protection Board." #1610D (D for Detroit)
You are wrong. That is false. Two thirds of those words are inaccurate. You do not know what you are talking about (mathematical proof of that (again, flat-out, factually, logically, simply wrong): #1602D #Myth7 See No. 2
This is going to be a lot of fun. It appears that the federal government is as bad as you are at facts, indeed, about itself. A page on the website at states, "The first side highlights the Consumer Finance Protection Board's 'Ask the CFPB" program' while, below that, "Source: Consumer Financial Protection Bureau" (emphasis added). #TheScourgeofTheAnonymous
But, I will help you (and my government). You will write about credit scores again, and you will blow it again. So, you can hire me to review your sloppy work for accuracy before it is published and you look foolish and citizens are misinformed (again). The price: $1.00. That is one dollar per article up to 2,000 words each.
Acknowledge this message today. That probably will not happen as I have learned that recipients of my email find it (erroneously so) better to pretend that I do not exist (like with your Twitter account I am blocked from following #OhBuhRother). #OstrichEffect
With grand idealism, I conceived, the Credit Scoring Site as a tool for journalists (legislators and regulators). I miscalculated your egos. 18 years of ham-handed publishing is all I can take.
I would say Thanks for reading, too, but I don't obey abstract, oblique rules of wished-indemnification concocted by stupid lawyers, editors, media executives and publishers telling me what to do. Actually, I have no one telling me what to do.
You lose again, Mr. O'Connor. And, there is one more thing. I looked into it: Employers do not use credit scores. Did you forget? #Myth2
Who is your editor, and what is your correction policy?
No phone calls.
Stop publishing false information. #falsity
Greg Fisher
Truth and Falsity
Page A2
The Credit Scoring Site
PO Box 342
Dayton, Ohio 45409-0342
mobile/text 937-681-3224
FROM: Brian O'Connor
TO: Greg Fisher
DATE: Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 11:44 AM
SUBJECT: RE: credit score, false information, media error, Detroit News chaos and disarray, ham-hand, Brian J. O'Connor
This kind of deranged rant over a simple typo? Thanks for point[SIC] it out, we will correct.
O'Connor's Rule of Utilization Ratio
FROM: Greg Fisher
TO: O'Connor, Brian J.
DATE: Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 12:45 PM
SUBJECT: Re: credit score, false information, media error, Detroit News chaos and disarray, ham-hand, Brian J. O'Connor
You, obviously, don't get it, Mr. O'Connor.
This is about the spread of false information (in this case, due to carelessness on your and the federal government's parts). #sloppysloppysloppy
False is false. But, if you want to play arbiter of what is important and not (any error with your name on it, apparently), you may, of course.
I asked you to name whose rule of thumb you referred to. Now, who is it, and what in the world is so special about 30 percent? Nothing I know. #1602D #Myth4
Did you just make it up?
Look it up. I'm tired of doing all the work while you just flap your fingers on your keyboard.
Stop whining and answer my questions. #pathetic
Greg Fisher
Truth and Falsity
The Credit Scoring Site
PO Box 342
Dayton, Ohio 45409-0342
mobile/text 937-681-3224
The Detroit News columnist skitters on.
FROM: Brian J. O'Connor
TO: Greg Fisher
DATE: Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 12:46 PM
SUBJECT: RE: credit score, false information, media error, Detroit News chaos and disarray, ham-hand, Brian J. O'Connor
Thanks for reading!
FROM: Greg Fisher
TO: Brian J. O'Connor
DATE: Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 2:19 PM
SUBJECT: Re: credit score, false information, media error, Detroit News chaos and disarray, ham-hand, Brian J. O'Connor
You wrote: "It also stands in for your general trustworthiness, influencing your ability to rent an apartment, land a job and even what you’ll pay for insurance. Now those mysterious digits are getting dragged into the open, letting you see whether you rate the top score of 850 ('Boy Scout') or the lowest of 300 ('drummer')."
O'Connor, B. J. (2014, July 7, 1:00 AM). What's the (credit) score? Now it's free. The Detroit News. Retrieved from
That is not true. Employers do not use credit scores. I looked into it.
Who is your source? Did you publish a correction?
Greg Fisher
Truth and Falsity
The Credit Scoring Site
PO Box 342
Dayton, Ohio 45409-0342
mobile/text 937-681-3224
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