Credit Score Myth 2 and NBC News - Act 1
Punchline to a ten-year joke. #TheEditors
| By Greg Fisher
FROM: Greg Fisher,
TO: Nicole Spector, NBC News contributing writer; Herb Weisbaum, Consumerman
CC: Ian Atkins, Fit Small Business
DATE: June 12, 2018
SUBJECT: correction, error, credit score, employers
I am in the media, on a deadline and writing about you. The deadline is today.
This is horrible. You wrote, “'In most cases, employers can't actually check your credit score, but checking an individual's credit report actually give[SIC] them far more information about the individual such as public records like bankruptcies and tax liens, balances and payment history on loans, like mortgages and student loans, even things like medical bills,' said Ian Atkins, financial analyst at Fit Small Business, adding that employers have to get written permission in order to do a credit check and must also advise if a credit check will lead to not getting the job or a promotion." #falsity
Spector, N., & Weisbaum, H. (2017, August 09). How to escape the credit report rat race. Retrieved June 12, 2018, from
That is not true. In all cases, employers can't actually check your credit score. We even corresponded on that, Mr. Weisbaum. This is a ten-year joke that I have been writing and now it is time for the punch line.
Who is your editor? #TheEditors
Please reply today. #n74263
Greg Fisher
Truth and Falsity
The Credit Scoring Site
PO Box 342
Dayton, Ohio 45409-0342
mobile/text 937-681-3224
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