The Credit Scoring Site
A bleak account
Credit score information – Truth, and what is false. Who, what, when, where, why and how of credit scores.
False information published by the state of Indiana
The big one: The false statement MADE BY GOVERNMENT that employers use credit scores. Incompetence, ignoring a simple message and utter stupidity in the top-level domain .gov. #2501I.
The Game
The Game begins. 2025-03-11
Questioning Nissan
Japanese automobile manufacturer makes questionable statement about US free credit report system #2401Y. 2024-01-15
Money cow
False information in Money magazine #2307F. 2023-07-23
False information published by CNN, Item 2305h
False statements about credit scoring and U.S. history. 2022-06-25
Equifax on 30% credit score utilization ratio level
With no substantiation, the credit bureau states that a credit utilization ratio of 30% is some kind of bright line. 2022-07-25
Goodwill letters and credit reports, Group 1
Experian plays along with the astonishing and stupefying notion that lenders lie to credit bureaus. 2022-07-11
False statements about credit scores: Myth 7, Part 1
A credit utilization ratio is not 30% of a credit score calculation. 2022-07-03
Open letter to Red Ventures, 20220602
Ric Elias publishes more false information about consumer finance: Credit Score Myth 7. 2022-06-02
Open letter to Dan Gilbert, Rock Ventures, 20220526
What's wrong with anger? Gilbert publishes more nonsense about credit scores: Credit Score Myth 7. The math is impossible. 2022-05-26
False information in the domain, Part 1
Statement that a credit score utilization ratio importance is 30 percent of the score is nonsense. Credit Score Myth 7. #Myth7 2022-05-17
False information published by the New York Times, Part 2
Email message to New York Times writer about credit scores and employers. Employers do not use credit scores. 2022-04-28
False information published by CNBC, Part 1
Fundamental American history; misidentification of the Speaker of the House, and more. 2022-04-16
False information published by CBS News, Part 2
Error 17: Calling the speaker of the House Senate Majority Leader. Wrong title, wrong HOUSE. 2022-04-10
False information published by CBS News, Part 1
Credit Score Myth 7 and misidentification of some guy they call a senior analyst. 2022-04-10
False information published by the Dallas Fed, Part 1
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas document falsely states that employers use credit scores. 2022-03-27
False information published by the St. Louis Fed, Part 1
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis overstates significance of credit score utilization ratio. 2022-03-26
False information published by the New York Times, Part 1
Deep dive; goes back to a long, long time ago. Employers do not use credit scores, but that consumer finance information is just a sideshow. 2022-03-24
False information published by Forbes, Part 2
After Forbes' appears incognizant, the even more direct approach. 2022-03-20
False information published by Forbes, Part 1
Employers do not use credit scores, but Forbes lets people say that employers do so. 2022-02-07
Credit score range and scale in mortgage lending, Part 1
Revelation to blabbermouths: The highest is not 850 and the lowest is not 300. 2021-10-30
False information on Facebook, and Huntington Bank
Even after a decade, Credit Score Myth 2 continues. That is because bankers are dumb. 2021-06-22 #falsity #OH #CreditScore #Myth2 #CreditScoreMyth2
OPEN LETTER - Missing Fair Isaac FICO credit score document
Searching for the real list of factors for The Real Big Credit Score. 2020-08-07
OPEN LETTER - What is an email address for People magazine?
What began with Credit Score Myth 4 — the 30 percent utilization ratio thing — ended up being about so-called experts and mere contact with a publication. 2020-08-04 #Myth4
Money and truth
Start at the top with the new guy. 2020-07-27
Unnamed experts on credit score utilization ratio, Part 1
Who are they? 2020-05-13
False information published by Fox News spreads 20200422
How to spell the name of the mayor of Louisville. 2020-04-30
False information published by Fox News 20200422
Misidentification of Louisville Mayor and Credit Scoring Site author. 2020-04-26 #Myth4
False information published by Nerdwallet - 20200316
Even after a drubbing over spreading certain false information, a popular personal finance website maintains the same false notion. 2020-03-16
Open letter to New York Times about credit scores, 20200224
Famous newspaper publishes false information about credit scores. 2020-02-24
False information, editors and corrections, Part 1
An email thread sheds light on what happens after errors occur in documents. 2019-11-24 #falsity
Correction of The Week, Part 1
False accounts of the history of The United States of America from The Week, Dennis Publishing, Exponent Private Equity LLP. 2019-06-24
Credit Score Myth 6 spread by Credit Sesame
Popular credit scores' scales do not have 850 points. 2019-03-12 #Myth6 #Myth7 #1607az #1903N
Credit scores according to Lendingtree (not Lending Tree)
Lendingtree CEO Doug Lebda and Credit Score Myths 4 and 12. 2019-03-06 #Myth4 #n512 #Myth12 #n1136
Red Ventures false information about credit scores 20190216
Credit Score Myth 2 continues despite clear information to the contrary. 2019-02-16
Open letter to Equifax about credit scores, 20190207
Equifax publishes nonsense about what a good credit score is. 2019-02-07
Ornstein, Einstein and insanity
The New York Times publishes unsubstantiated information written by a resident scholar at The American Enterprise Institute. 2019-02-02
False information in first sentence of report spread by CBS News
Syndicated error of fundamental United States history. 2019-01-27
Buzzfeed publishes false information
Attempt at contacting organization about its falsity about the history of The United States of America. 2019-01-19
Open letter about credit scores to Quicken Loans' Dan Gilbert, 20190118
Billionaire not paying attention. A reply to a message from Dan Gilbert's Lake Erie empire. 2019-01-18 #n801469330
Open letter about credit scores to Brian L. Roberts, NBC
False information about U.S. history, and no substantiation about credit scores. 2018-12-03
Open letter about credit scores to Quicken Loans' Dan Gilbert
Employers do not use credit scores. Dan Gilbert did not learn that, so here we go again: Credit Score Myth 2. 2018-11-30 #falseinformation
False, yet disturbing headline published by Microsoft News
The anatomy of a media correction. Syndicated error calls attention to systemic failure of people working in information dissemination. Falsity remains. 2018-11-06
Credit score experts on utilization ratio Part 2
Five months later, a follow up message to those from the first round and a new message to a second group. 2018-10-25
Jeff Bezos' false information
Fundamental American history errors published in the Washington Post by the richest man in the world. 2018-10-19
Book by David Bach spreads Credit Score Myth 2 - Part 1
And today, Comcast CNBC gives author publicity as he continues to use credit scores as a vehicle. 2018-09-30
Urban Legend Part 3 - Credit Score Myth 2
Even after a decade of debunking, the biggest scare in personal finance remains. 2018-09-26 #Myth2
Urban Legend - Part 2
Last great personal finance newspaper columnist replies. 2018-09-25
Urban Legend - Part 1
Washington think tank gets press.
Commonwealth One FCU, New Years Day 2018 #falsity #Myth2
A woman in Virginia repeats Credit Score Myth 2. #1710C (C for Commonwealth)
An Open Letter to The Huffington Post - September 5, 2018
False information about credit scores and employers, and writers misidentify a senator. 2018-09-05
Credit Score Myth 2 and NBC News - Act 1
Punchline to a ten-year joke. #TheEditors 2018-06-12
The Grand Junction Credit Score Story
Credit Score Myth 8 appears in local Colorado newspaper. Comedy ensues. 2018-06-05
Credit Score Myth 24 Repeated By PYMNTS #Myth24
No writer named for misstatement of scale of famous credit score brand; Financial Times gets a link. #1510J 2018-06-01
Date of the first version of a credit score
With the byline ''By PYMNTS,'' somebody states a year of a seminal event. 2018-05-30
Clark, a Play in Three Acts
Act I: Contact - Book author replies, comedy ensues. 2018-05-25
Unnamed financial experts and their advice on credit scores
They recommend 30% so-called credit utilization ratios, and many mention those personal finance experts. But, who are they? 2018-05-23
Message to Fair Isaac
Author's words about good credit republished. 2018-05-10
Tapper's False Information
Fundamental error in ABC News story. 2018-05-07
CNN's false information
Credit Score Myth 2 (employers) tied to fundamental U.S. history. #Myth2 2017-11-09
Open letter to U.S. News & World Report editor
Spread of Credit Score Myth 2 (employers). 2017-11-08 #Myth2
Credit score change frequency
Credit reports and scores can change at any moment. 2017-10-17
To "Subject: proofread, fact, Grammarly"
Proposal for a way to catch false information. 2017-08-17
Oklahoma and The Editors #TheEditors
Even after 9 years of debunking, new instances of people repeating Credit Score Myth 2 (employers) appear in news searches. 2017-05-24
Mercury News article about credit scores and United Way
Editor will correct a different article. 2017-05-18
Testimony in Connecticut, same 44 words, verbatim
Portion of 2011 testimony of Lori J. Pelletier, Connecticut AFL-CIO matches 2009 article by another person. 2017-05-10
Huffington Post's false information
Website spreads falsity about the United States of America. 2017-04-04
Error in Correction
Microsoft responds while falsity remains. 2017-03-09
Microsoft publishes false information
Error regarding credit scores and employers and a syndicated error about the United States of America. 2017-03-07
Credit Score Myth 4: A 30% so-called utilization ratio
Some guy going on about 60 percent, now, too. 2017-02-22
Buzzfeed's false information
Message to media organization. 2017-02-20
Local television standards
Texas television station questioned. 2017-02-13
NBC News false report and chain of accountability
A media error regarding fundamental fact about a credit score; identifying the man in the middle. 2017-02-10
NBC error due to Brian L. Roberts megalomania
Syndicated error of fact flows through Comcast websites #SyndicatedError. 2017-02-09
NCUA hyperlink to Kelley Holland CNBC article
U.S. National Credit Union Administration writes about credit scores; Comcast's CNBC gets a link #GetsTheLink. 2017-02-08
Federal NCUA publishes false information about credit scores #Myth2
Anonymously authored 2016 U.S. National Credit Union Administration document falsely states that employers use credit scores #1604ac. 2017-02-07
Disney false information
Subsidiary ABC News falsely reports Nancy Pelosi is U.S. House Majority Leader. 2017-02-06
Groundhog Day, 2017 - Mcclatchy falsity
Residual nonsense about credit scores and employers and the history of the United States of America.
Mcclatchy false information
Error regarding the United States of America. 2017-01-31
False information, Greenville Daily Reflector #Myth2
North Carolina newspaper publishes Credit Score Myth 2 (that employers use credit scores), error disappears #1701m. 2017-01-30
Credit Score Myth 8 spreads from New Jersey to Minnesota #Myth8
On Minnesota newspaper website, Lendedu writer falsely claims closing accounts removes them from credit report. 2016-12-21
Truth with a small t, 'drain the swamp,' history
Efficacy a message via email to the Daily Caller. 2016-12-20
The Daily in the Daily Caller
Weekly-- with truth-- would be better. 2016-12-19
The Errors of Kerry Picket and Kirby Puckett
One statistic is history and will not change; the other continues. 2016-12-12
Associated Press False Information
Report not true; AP makes false claim about the history of the United States of America. 2016-12-06
Brad Smith's Company's Message About His False Information
KS of the QuickBooks social media support team @qbcares (''... and we're here to help.'') responds. 2016-12-05
Toledo Blade false information
A conversation with the newspaper's ombudsman. 2016-11-29
George Packer false information
Article in New Yorker magazine misstates fundamental history of the United States of America. 2016-11-22
Washington Post error disappears
No acknowledgement of false information where it occurred; error repeated through syndication. 2016-11-10 listicle HTML error and time length after account closed
The wheels are coming off Adam Levin's expert wagon. 2016-11-01
The Scourge of The Anonymous
Minneapolis Star Tribune publishes, and maintains false information even after notification. Then, eight people miss fundamental error. 2016-10-05 #1610T
The valiant seekers of truth
Detroit columnist faxes it in again about credit scores. 2016-10-03 #1610D
Bizarre Fannie Mae references to credit score range and scale
What is the credit score range for mortgage loans? What is the scale? Government big shots eluded. Myth 24 named. 2016-10-01
Credit score inquiries, "less than five points"
Wall Street Journal takes fewer words to describe effect of inquiries than even FICO score company Fair Isaac. 2016-09-21 #1609aa
FINRA responds regarding Credit Score Myth 2 (employers)
Financial illiteracy; unnamed representative says its website was "updated." 2016-09-16 #1601S.
Philadelphia Inquirer errors
Fundamental American history false information. 2016-09-08
Motley Fool publishes more false information about credit scores
Fool contradicts himself, stating that employers do not use credit scores, and, subsequently, that they do. 2016-09-06 #Myth2 #1609G (G, for 'Gardner')
Financial Times decay from within
"Being 'wasted' on Facebook" and the influence of anonymous headline writers. 2016-08-28 #1510J
AJC publishes same false information about credit scores again
Cox Enterprises CEO James M. Dyer spreads Credit Score Myth 2 via Atlanta Journal-Constitution with help from Leadpoint. 2016-08-22 #1608W
New York Times Two – Employers and credit scores myth
Mayor and city council pat themselves on the back with false information about employers: Credit Score Myth 2. 2016-08-09 #1509N
Washington Post, Vantagescore and Credit Score Myth 8
Washington Post publishes false information about the history of the United States of America. 2016-08-08 #1607e
The statute of limitations on truth
Author of false information doubts you can get very far with asking for a correction 6 years after an error. 2016-08-04 #1007F
Fortune Magazine writer finally replies
Anne "Ask Annie" Fisher finally finds email and responds to it. And it is a real doozy. 2016-08-03 #1007F
Fortune Magazine writer requests email message after a previous one
2008: National credit bureaus make statement about credit scores and employers. 2010: Fortune magazine publishes story. 2016: contacts Fortune; requests reply. 2016-08-03 #1007F
Washington Post cites FICO on credit score utilization magic number
Columnist Michelle Singletary writes what Fair Isaac recommends, Fair Isaac makes subsequent contrary statement. 2016-08-02 #1605y
Ask Annie - Anne Fisher wrong on credit scores and employers
CNN gets it wrong, again, even failing a veracity test of fundamental American history. 2016-07-31 #1007F
CFPB and an answer about credit score utilization ratio
Christmas in July - The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on asking questions and getting answers. 2016-07-29 #myth4
CBS acknowledgement of false credit score information
Moneywatch executive editor responds with email; error just disappears. 2016-07-27 #myth2
CBS Moneywatch false information about credit scores and employers
Repeats Credit Score Myth 2 falsity. 2016-07-26 #myth2
Rutgers false information about credit scores and employers
Credit Score Myth 2 in New Jersey via educational institution. Pernicious problem persists eight years after it was defined. 2016-07-19 #myth2
FICO describes confusion regarding 30% utilization ratio idea
Counters false belief that credit cards with a balance at 30% of their limit create the most points in credit scores. 2016-07-05 #myth4
News Corporation replies
The official website of the National Association of Realtors, operated by Move, Inc., News Corporation. 2016-06-28
News Corporation spreads Credit Score Myth 2 (employers)
Also, a false account of U.S. history. Exective Chairman of Marketwatch, Dow Jones, News Corporation is Rupert Murdoch. Chief Executive: Robert Thomson. 2016-06-21
Credit Score Myth 4, Nerdwallet and the U.S. Army
A military financial readiness program manager replies regarding the 30 percent utilization ratio threshold myth. 2016-06-16
Huffington Post interaction
Satire by HuffPo blogger and political satirist at American News X and another mention of 30 percent. 2016-06-05
700 Credit Score Community, employers, spread of falsity
False information about credit scores, complete with detail, by the National Urban League. 2016-04-26
Credit scores: What's so special about 30 percent?
Message to author of Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Working Paper 15-2. 2016-04-26
False credit score information in the public's airwaves
The confluence of influence where industry, media and government meet. 2016-04-25
Credit score employers myth on WBZ, Boston website
Credit Score Myth 2 repeated again by the same organization. 2016-04-22
Economist's false belief about credit scores and employers
It's a good thing his papers say the views are solely those of the author and not the Federal Reserve or the Boston Fed. Credit Score Myth 2 (employers). 2016-04-19
Wasted on Facebook vs. Buick owners in credit scores
Interaction with Gray Television and Nikkei Inc. reporters #1604V. 2016-04-13
Good deed
No good deed goes unnoticed. 2016-04-13
Credit Score Myth 2, Reuters and employers
Five years later, the bizarre story regarding false information about employers using credit scores continues. 2016-04-11
Credit Score Myth 2, Reading Eagle, Washington Post
The notion that employers use credit scores, and world history falsity published by Jeff Bezos. 2016-03-24
St. Patrick's Day, 2016 - McCarthy, McConnell, McArdle
Atlantic Media, Inc. fundamental error of fundamental world history remains. 2016-03-17
Letters to the editor, Time Magazine, false information
The Man with 1,497 Credit Cards and other myths. 2016-03-10
Leap Year, 2016 - False information, credit score range #myth6
A score whose scale is 300 to 850 is not "out of 850." US history as a veracity test. Follow #1602ao. 2016-02-29
#Myth2, credit union party, Alaska and an anonymous writer
Employers don't use credit scores. So, who wrote, "This is a value between 300 and 850... and is used by lenders and employers"? 2016-02-23
Credit reports and foreclosures, Presidents Day in Dallas
A message to the CEO of the Cornerstone Credit Union League about how long foreclosures remain on credit reports. 2016-02-16
FICO credit score scale stated by Fannie Mae
Who wrote, "For all newly delivered loans, Fannie Mae uses the 'Classic' FICO score developed by Fair Isaac Corporation with the range of 300 - 850"? 2016-02-02
Credit Score Myth 7, Groundhog Day in Detroit
Newspaper columnist writes zany article and repeats notion that a balance of 30 percent of a credit line is some kind of rule for so-called "utilization ratio." 2016-02-02
FINRA repeats Myth 2: Credit scores in employment screening
Credit Score Myths 2 and 4, and the culture inside the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. 2016-01-26
Rossi's newspaper corrections after page
Eureka Times-Standard, Digital First Media removes errant quotation mark and adds attribution. 2016-01-21
Eureka - A missing quotation mark
Columnist moves on after the Times-Standard of Digital First Media publishes an item. 2016-01-20
Credit score reason code 04: Too many bank/national revolving accounts
Gannett newspaper in Sheboygan publishes information by former executive director of Family Service Association. 2016-01-18
Credit Score Myth 3 and the Associated Press
It's history. 2016-01-15
A transcript for truth draft #WILLYOUHELPME
Credit scores, Connecticut, and Carroll, state of Colorado, United States of America #1202C. 2016-01-15
FINRA's advice for your future
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority, Inc. information about credit scores, circa January 9, 2015. 2016-01-12
Credit Score Myths 1 and 2 on KPRC-TV, Houston broadcast
Graham Holdings Company television station #n53117 misinforms viewers. 2016-01-05
KPRC-TV reporter sees "no cause for a correction"
Expert in Houston mentions the ever-present "meeting," offers unsolicited help. 2016-01-04 #1512aa #TX (#n528) #Myth2
KPRC-TV journalist wants clarification about credit scores
Houston television station consumer investigative reporter provides email address; seeks knowledge, asks question. 2016-01-04
Error in the Bakersfield Californian
Giving its keys to others, newspaper plays the content game and loses. 2016-01-03
O'Shaughnessy's first big challenge at Graham
New Year's Day, 2016 - Credit Score Myth 1 (inquiries). Houston, we've had a problem here. It's you. 2016-01-01
Error of fact in domain
#n93000001540 (Consolidated Credit Counseling Services, Inc.) corrects its false information after message from 2015-12-01
Roland Martin interviews presidential candidate about credit scores
Radio One host of "NewsOne Now" asks about employers, jobs and credit scores; video goes viral. 2015-11-12
Credit Score Myth 4,, and Fair Isaac
Utterances of the myth that there is something significant about a so-called credit utilization ratio of 30 percent. 2015-11-09
No social media data in US credit scores
Headline hype by anonymous writer in domain regarding FICO scores, and Fair Isaac statement to the contrary. 2015-11-05
Credit scores in Toledo mayoral election
No standard, no common credit score version creates confusion. 2015-11-05
Credit score, employers, Michigan, as a bryd that retorneth
Interaction with Michigan myth mongers #1511M #academia. 2015-11-04
Fannie Mae exec cites Fair Isaac definition of good credit score
Under a federal conservator, a FNMA director uses a qualitative term, makes 660 special and errs. The source information disappeared. 2015-10-27 #1510F #DotGov
False information by Voya about credit scores and employers
At stake: Truth. A message to the top person, on Park Avenue, New York, New York, and a test of social media efficacy. 2015-09-22
Labor Day, 2015 - Race to Truth
Cash prizes, a solution for Credit Score Myth 2 (false statements that employers use credit scores). 2015-09-07
State of New York statement on collectors
"I'm with the media, I'm writing about your organization and the state of New York, and I'm on deadline." - G. Fisher, UPDATE. 2015-08-28
News search results for the term 'credit score,' 2015-08-11
A walk down Main Street and through the front door. Hashtag: The Real, BIG Credit Score. 2015-08-11
State of New York statement on collectors
Matching paragraphs about credit reports and pay-for-delete on websites of the state of New York and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse. 2015-08-10
Credit Score Myth 16 and Dallas
False account of history published by CBS owned and operated television station KTVT #23422 2015-08-07
Credit Score Myth 2 and Franklin County, Ohio
Current and previous treasurer's office statements about employers are exactly the same. #1503v. 2015-08-06
Credit Score Myth 2 and the Donut
False information, leading the Better Business Bureau right to the solution, and its response. 2015-08-03
The trustees of the public's airwaves
False information on a Channel 8, WTNH, New Haven broadcast and a request for a statement to counteract the falsity. 2015-07-26 #1507r
Man's work. Proposed progrexion delay.
Myth 11. Utahns and New Yorkers fail to provide names of lenders and collectors who lie to credit bureaus. 2015-07-22
Credit report goodwill adjustment request, New York and Utah
Myth 11 lives on on a government website. Freedom of information in New York. #1504N. 2015-07-20 forces Northwestern Mutual to correct itself
Financial conglomerate Northwestern Mutual spreads Myth 11 with preposterous statement about having accurate information kept off credit reports. 2015-07-17
Fair Isaac Corporation said so
Utilization ratio: What's so special about 50 percent? 2015-07-10
CFSI's false information about credit scores and employers
Myth 2 (false belief that employers use credit scores) touches mainstream media, think tanks and the Federal Reserve. What happened next. #1507a. 2015-07-05
Fax to GreenPath about credit scores and employers
Michigan non-profit organization and National Foundation for Credit Counseling (NFCC) member is a source of false information regarding credit scores 2015-07-02 #1506s
No clarification by Newsday on credit scores and employers
6 years ago, a media organization published Myth 2 (the false notion that employers use credit scores). What happened next. 2015-06-19 #1506l
Credit score #myth4: Comcast - Reporters with internet
What's so special about a 25 percent (or 30 percent) so-called credit utilization ratio, VantageScore? 2015-06-15 #1506e
#Myth4: Chicago Tribune and Consumer Federation of America
What's so special about a 25 percent so-called credit utilization ratio? Or: I know you are, but what am I? 2015-0615 #1506a
CFP Board furthers employers credit score myth
K Street trade association repeats Credit Score #Myth2; mails letter to operator of Confusion. 2015-07-21
Is a credit report required to buy a house? #myth14
Fannie Mae, FHA (HUD) and OCC (Treasury) documents indicate non-traditional mortgage credit reports are acceptable. 2015-05-11
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland makes a correction
List of links to a record of websites of the banks of the 12 Federal Reserve Districts, including 2015-04-28 #sysadmin15
Credit score Myth 12: An 850 in mortgage lending
The highest credit score in mortgage lending is not 850, so striving for that number is a fool's errand. 2015-04-24 #myth12
State of Maine's response about credit scores and inquiries
Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection responds to enqiry about credit report inquiries and whether no corresponding credit extension affects credit scores. 2015-04-16 #1504M #DotGov
Easy Wikipedia edits you can make, 2015
Go to Wikipedia now and make these simple edits. You could leave it as it is, but being bold has never been easier! 2015-03-13 #EasyEdit
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis credit score video review
Interaction with a central bank. A look inside the regional bank of the Eighth Federal Reserve District in the U.S. 2015-04-10
The Christian Science Monitor and two credit score utilization ratio experts
#Myth4: Alive, well, and bicoastal, in Massachusetts, Florida and certainly, California. 2015-04-09
Inquiries effect on credit scores, state of Maine #n523
Message to Bureau of Consumer Credit Protection superintendent. 2015-04-08 #DotGov
Credit score utilization ratio, state of Nevada #n536
#HelloNevada! HelloIllinois! Let us in on the secret to the credit utilization ratio. 2015-04-02 #DotGov
Credit score gibberish, state of New York #n511
#HelloNewYork! Revamp for the Department of Financial Services. Copy-and-paste. Easy-breezy. 2015-03-31 #DotGov
Myth 10: The national average credit score With multiple credit bureaus and credit score models, everybody has their own idea. So let's ask them. 2015-03-30 #myth10
Interdepartmental communication, New Hampshire #n509
#HelloNewHampshire! Here is a message from the governor's press secretary. 2015-03-28 #DotGov
Credit score mystery: The magic words and the magic number
Words: I'm with the media, and I'm on deadline! Number: 687. 2015-03-27 #n512
n539 - Bank name on state of North Dakota website disappears
Information changes following writer's contact with governor's office and Bremer Bank. 2015-03-26
The efficacy of telephone calls with the Associated Press
Put it in writing. Get it in writing. Telephone calls were a waste of time. 2015-03-20 More
Credit score averages stated by credit bureaus
U.S. national average credit scores based on different score versions. 2015-02-11
Credit scores summary, 2014
Substantiated and documented essential information about credit scores, in general. An at-a-glance alternative to Wikipedia.
Credit score myths
Some real lulus. Myths, urban legends, misinformation and other falsity and nonsense about credit scores. Evidence and debunking. A growing list. (Also: See the directory)
Employment credit reports do not include credit scores
Essential information about #Myth2. Still a problem 7 years later. 2008 (updated 2014).
Credit score distribution and practical ranges statistics
Industry illustrates FICO credit score breakdown and useable ranges of the distribution
FOUL: FICO (Fair Isaac) false figure
The big credit score company, itself, joins the uninformed, and throws around the 30 percent misinformation. 4/15/15
What is a credit score?
Definitions of the term credit score
(Also, on - PART TWO)
The FCRA, and despicable, un-American liars [COPY]
A message to and request for response from a state in the United States of America #n511
More highlights
Interaction Influence Statistics Two and Two Blog |
Equifax Experian Transunion Average Good/bad scores |